Water Vending Machine isalso known as Water ATM a coinoperated water RO Reverse Osmosis machine that can be installed at any PublicPrivate place to deliver Healthy drinking water at most affordable prices and convenience
Muncipal corporation
Benefit of water vending machine
Its costeffective and economical for both rural and urban areas
There is also a complete guarantee of safe and clean drinking water which frees people from worries of waterborne diseases
It dispenses safe and pure water 247 round the year People can purchase water on the pay per use basis as and when they want
It saves the time and efforts that people spend on travelling or standing in queues to fetch safe and pure drinking water They dont have to skip schools or work as water is easily made available by these ATMs
It reduces the dependence of citizens on packaged drinking water which otherwise is an expensive optionespecially for those living in rural areas
People also learn to use water prudently as they have to pay for it even though it is at a nominal cost